On the 9th of January three fearless team members of Cargo Media went across the big pond to meet some of our partners and attend conventions in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The conventions and meetings were a lot of work but it was also great to meet some of the people in person, with which we only have contact through emails or Skype sessions.

But obviously it wasn’t all work, because all work and no fun makes everybody dull. So after gambling in Vegas and losing our last shirts, Reto, Igor and I decided to go for a little road trip up north from Las Vegas, through the Death Valley, along the eastern side of Yosemite national park into the bay area of San Francisco, where we stayed at the famous Russian Hills in the center of the city. We were so fascinated by San Francisco that some serious talk came up, about setting up a new startup in the bay area, not only because so many talented people live there, but also because the city itself has such a relaxed and inspiring atmosphere to it, that it’s hard to not be drawn to it.

Two and half weeks later, all of us arrived with fresh ideas, new partnerships and having seen some of the most amazing landscapes on the west coast of the US. Below you can enjoy our small road trip video.